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OCAAR is excited to announce the release of our first legislation report card. This report card measures legislation introduced in both chambers during a single term of Ohio’s general assembly for legislation relating to and impacting people in recovery from substance use disorders.

The Criteria

The main criteria for the grades are legislation that do the following:

  • Includes alternatives to stigmatizing language and/or decreases stigma of substance use disorders

  • Prioritizes a person-first centered approach

  • Does not increase barriers for people in recovery

  • Protects people in recovery from harm

  • Does not limit access to recovery supports

  • Provides direct funding to recovery support services

2021-2022 Legislation Report Cards FINAL.jpeg

Additional Information

While OCAAR considers all pieces of legislation introduced, please note that the list included below is not comprehensive of every bill. A reference list to the appropriate bill language found on can be found by clicking the bill numbers below.

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