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When you cross over to the recovery side, you quickly realize how much of our world is built around inebriation: Social gatherings, dining, sporting events, even family get-togethers, which all seem to be fueled by intoxicants. 


Recovery Community Organizations (RCOs) provide a space to live and love your sober life without the temptations of substance abuse. Here you will find immediate resources and support to achieve your recovery goals. You’ll find a free and welcoming space filled with friendship, activities, peer support services, and a powerful voice against the stigma of substance abuse disorder.


OCAAR manages the statewide network of RCOs to promote skills development, address the needs of RCOs and peer support specialists, and create a unified voice in order to enhance long-term sustainability of RCOs.


OCAAR is on a mission to put a Recovery Community in every county in Ohio, because every county needs one! If you or someone you know would like to get involved with the RCO Statewide Network, please contact Molly O'Neill at

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