OCAAR is excited to announce Ohio's first Recovery Supports Heat Map. Recovery supports are critical to the behavioral health field, and OCAAR's Recovery Supports Heat Map is the first tool to map out the capacity of recovery supports in each of Ohio's counties.
The Recovery Supports Heat Map gives us a glimpse into the story of the addiction epidemic in Ohio, while also highlighting the need for more recovery supports in every county across the state. The heat map uses data from the CDC Social Vulnerability Index (SVI). To learn more about SVI data, visit the Ohio Department of Health Website here.
The Recovery Supports Heat Map last updated April 2023
How to Use the Heat Map
1. Click the button below to access the heat map
2. Use the arrows on the right side of the screen to view the different slides and map layers
3. To see all of the data for a particular county, click on the chosen county directly on the map
“2020 Ohio Drug Overdose Data.” Ohio.gov, 2020, odh.ohio.gov/know-our-programs/violence-injury-prevention-program/resources/2020-ohio-drug-overdose-report.
“About the OneOhio Recovery Foundation.” OneOhio Recovery Foundation, www.oneohiofoundation.com/about.Accessed 6 Apr. 2023.
“Addiction Recovery Advocacy | Hazelden Betty Ford.” Www.hazeldenbettyford.org, www.hbfInstitute.org. Accessed 19 Sept. 2022.
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